How to Order and Pay

Ordering may be done by email, phone, or fax.
We have avoided using the shopping trolley system because we feel that it is too inflexible for the range and nature of goods that we carry.

For customers within Australia:
Phone:   08 9227 1561
Fax:   08 9227 0254
Payment:   Visa, M/card, Direct Deposit, PayPal or Cheque.

For customers outside Australia:
Phone:   + 61 8 9227 1561
Fax:   + 61 8 9227 0254
Payment:   Visa, M/card or PayPal.

For payment by PayPal:
You will receive a PayPal email with the invoice total and a 'pay now' button.
If you don't hold a PayPal account, PayPal will explain to you how to make the payment through them.

For payment by credit card:
A simple but safe way to email card details, is to email the first eight digits, and then send the remainder of the details in a second mail.
The emails will get to us via a different set of computers.
It is also safe to fax or phone details.
Credit card details are not held on this website.

For payment by direct deposit:
We send our bank account details to you.
